Coronavirus (COVID-19) UPDATE
It is important for everyone to be prepared and to do their part in slowing down the spread of the virus. Moving forward please continue to follow all instructions from local health authorities and the Government of Canada, including preventative actions like washing hands, travel restrictions, and self-quarantine if required. These measures are important to keep you and your loved ones safe during this time.
Spring Garden Area Business Association will be following the directives of public health organizations, in particular: Nova Scotia Health Authority, Health Canada, and the World Health Organization, and will be asking businesses in Spring Garden Area to do the same. We will be providing updates and further communication as the situation develops.
Below is an overview from The Province of Nova Scotia on the steps you can take to turn your business into a safer environment for everyone.
Make sure you have a business continuity or emergency plan in place.
Think about what you will do if a number of your employees become sick
Support employees who may become ill. Talk to your staff about flexible hours or alternative work options should they need to stay at home for an extended period
Support proper infection prevention and control measures in your business. Post handwashing signs, provide alcoholbased hand rub to encourage frequent hand hygiene and ensure space/surface cleaning is completed.
Avoid requesting doctors’ notes from employees who become sick or self-isolate
Halifax Chamber of Commerce Navigation:
We know the Halifax business community is doing their due diligence and carefully monitoring developments related to the impacts of the Coronavirus. We have gathered a few resource links where you can find more information or speak with a qualified individual on the Covid-19 Information Hotline.
Prevention and Preparation Resources:
Halifax Regional Municipality
Nova Scotia Health Authority
Health Canada
World Health Organization Canadian Federation of Independent Business Centre for Women in Business Stewart McKelvey - Rent Deferral Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)